Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 29th Practice

Today, the four original team members worked hard to get the robot into a working state. I, again worked on helping with miscellaneous tasks, as I am going to begin rewriting autonomous code for our new robot. Jaret debugged his tele-op code, and Ian worked on building worth the new arm components, and he also brought in some new parts custom-made for us. Jared worked on building the ramp before he left early. In a few practices, we will be prosperous nod prepared, which is what we need.

January 26th Practice

On Saturday's practice, Jaret, Ian, Ben, Etienne, and I accomplished many productive improvements as we quickly approach our Pittsburgh competition date. I helped out by completing any miscellaneous building tasks necessary, as I wait for the final robot to be complete so I can adjust my autonomous code. Etienne worked on mass-producing some components we needed many of, like a servo blocks and some other things. Ian worked towards preparing for the ramp to be attached, and Jaret worked with Ian. We also had some fun preparing some decorations for our robot.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jan 15th, 2013 team practice

Our last compotition was a huge success! We won a judges award for over achevers because our robot performed epically and our presentation was liked by the judges, even though we had some difficulties and really hard challenges, our team progressed very efficiently through the compotition. Even though we didnt move to the next compotition, we did very well!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 1st Meeting

Today, we made our final strides and we are now ready to compete in our first competition. Tyler showed off  his elegant autonomous code, and he also worked on compiling our engineering notebook for our team. Jaret added code to his teleoperation code to work with the new hardware, which Jared and Ian finished updating. They also attached the ramp, and it has been weight-tested. We are now in practice mode, and we feel we can do prosperous.

December 29th Meeting

Today, we made much progress in our robot as we prepare for our upcoming competitions. Tyler worked on finalizing autonomous code, and the infarred sensor can now see where the becaon is 100% of the time and perform the task accurately each time. Jaret worked to help with some "dirty work" and cleaning of robot components, as well as continuing his normal work as the teleoperations programmer. Ian and Jared worked on preparing the ramp, which was wonderfully designed by them to be both compact and strong, creating a simple and elegant design. Our meeting was productive, and we are nearing the ablility to efficiantly compete and we wish all teams luck in their endeavors in prepearation.